Beyond Browsing and Reading: The Open Work of Digital Scholarly Editions
INKE, NewRadial, social edition, prototype, scholarly edition, environment, visualization, adapter, database, node, edge, groupAbstract
INKE’s Modelling and Prototyping group is currently motivated by the following research questions: How do we model and enable context within the electronic scholarly edition? And how do we engage knowledge-building communities and capture process, dialogue and connections in and around the electronic scholarly edition? NewRadial is a prototype scholarly edition environment developed to address such queries. It argues for the unification of primary texts, secondary scholarship and related knowledge communities, and re-presents the digital scholarly edition as a social edition, an open work and shared space where users collaboratively explore, sort, group, annotate and contribute to secondary scholarship creation.
SRC embraces online publishing and open access to back issues under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 Licence. This license allows users to download an article and share it with others as long as authorship and original publication is acknowledged and a link is made (in electronic media) to the original article. The article can be quoted but not changed and presented differently.