Implementing a health research communication program in a low resource country: Experience from Uganda’s Makerere University School of Public


  • Jennifer Bakyawa Makerere University School of Public Health, Mulago Hospital Complex, Kampala
  • Micheal Devlin International Center for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas, Damascus
  • David Serwadda Makerere, University School of Public Health, Mulago Hospital Complex
  • Carel IJsselmuiden Council on Health Research for Development, Geneva



Research, research communication, fundraising, networking, advocacy, media engagement community participation, policy influence


This field note presents what transpired in 18 months joint health research communication project at Makerere University School of Public Health. The project was the first of this nature at the university, in Uganda and probably in East Africa. Information on how the project was conceived, implemented and its results is given. It gives an overview of a communication framework that resulted from the process that informs anyone considering investing in research communication in a low resource institution or country. The note provides key themes of advocacy, community and user participation, influencing policy, fundraising and networking that arose from observations, interaction and activities and a situation review of the post project. It concludes that research communication in Uganda is still low and ill coordinated.


Cette note de champ présente ce qui s'est passé dans le projet de communication recherche 18 mois mixte sur la santé à Makerere University School of Public Health. Le projet a été le premier de cette nature à l'Université, en Ouganda et probablement en Afrique de l'est. Informations sur la façon dont le projet a été conçu, mis en œuvre et de ses résultats est donné. Il donne un aperçu d'un cadre de communication qui résulte du processus qui informe toute personne tenant compte investir dans la communication de la recherche dans une institution de faibles ressources ou un pays. La note fournit les thèmes clés de la défense, la participation communautaire et l'utilisateur, peuvent influencer les politiques, la collecte de fonds et de réseautage qui découle des observations, interaction, des activités et une situation d'examen du projet post. Il conclut que la communication de la recherche en Ouganda est encore faible et mal coordonnée.

Author Biographies

Jennifer Bakyawa, Makerere University School of Public Health, Mulago Hospital Complex, Kampala

Jennifer Bakyawa is a communications consultant who trained as a knowledge manager and journalist and worked as one for more than five years. She has written health stories, including some on research evidence. She has been engaged in different research communication activities such as training journalists on working with researchers, training researchers on working with journalists and summarizing research into briefs for general audiences.

Micheal Devlin, International Center for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas, Damascus

Micheal Devlin is an expert in science and policy communication and knowledge sharing. He has worked in a management role for several research and international development organizations in Brussels, Sri Lanka, and Geneva.

David Serwadda, Makerere, University School of Public Health, Mulago Hospital Complex

Professor Serwadda, is an infectious disease epidemiologist. Dr. Serwadda was among the first researchers to report on the presence of AIDS/HIV in Uganda (Lancet, 1984) and has worked continuously on HIV-related research and prevention since the mid-1980s. He has been a senior investigator on the Rakai Program since its inception in 1988.

Carel IJsselmuiden, Council on Health Research for Development, Geneva

Professor Carel IJsselmuiden is Director of COHRED and holds medical and public health qualifications. He has published widely in several areas, and received several prizes and awards for his work in epidemiology and public health. He is a senior executive member of the Southern African Research Ethics Training Initiative and teaches an annual international research ethics course at the University of KwaZulu Natal.






Field Notes